Spis treści
radiation is the best VEGETATION
Developed and confirmed by the Swedish Institute of Agricultural Economy. Radiant heating in greenhouses was introduced in Sweden only when it received a positive rating in Canada and the USA. Radiant heating is now most commonly used in Sweden. The main advantage of this system is to obtain heat in the form of radiation, thanks to the possibility of reducing the air temperature in the greenhouse without the risk of lowering the temperature of the leaves.
Radiant heating is used to raise the temperature at high humidity, at the same time low temperature of the walls and ceiling. With radiant heating, we have full flexibility of devices (quick adaptation to changing external climatic conditions) which gives additional energy savings. Radiant heating can inhibit various types of leaf disease, and above all botrytis diseases. The best heating system for greenhouses, tunnels and palm house is radiant heating co-operating with him floor heating (leaves are heated by radiators, and the roots are heated by floor).
Our company has for sale English production graphite foils (graphite has very good heating properties). Radiant heating elements must be installed in such a way as to obtain an even load on the heating intensity.
Our devices have power from 325W to 3.6kW. In greenhouses, to ensure the growth of plants, the air temperature is 20 ° C – 25 ° C. To get the right radiation, you should evenly install them indoors.
When using radiant heating, it is not necessary to cover the plants to protect them as it is when protecting them from the sun’s rays (this is ensured by the appropriate radiator construction). In the USA, Canada, Japan, special electric low temperature radiators for small greenhouses are being used.
Our company has low and medium temperature radiators – produced on the basis of American technology. The above method of heating – radiant heat from above and film from below – gives unexpectedly good effects of growth and more intense greenery. Heating and electric heating units for gases and oils – used for the production of electricity and heat are a very economical source of energy for greenhouses.
The heat generated by BGE is used for traditional heating, and electric energy for the radiator heating co-operating with traditional heating and for the needs of your own household. It is the cheapest way of generating heat and electricity and the most economical way of using these energy for heating purposes.
graphite foil
In addition to the greenhouses, we offer 48V graphite foils on which the pots are placed directly in order to improve the growth (see: floor foils) as well as heating and electric heating units for gases and oils (cogeneration + electric radiators and hot water pipes under the roots).
– greenhouse heating Radiators + graphite foil
benefits of
radiator heating
The temperature is controlled directly above or in the bedding (eg for poultry).
This radiation reduces mortality, increases resistance to diseases and reduces stress.
It significantly improves the quality species and further production, environmental conditions become safer, healthier, cleaner, and stress free.
It works great for the metabolism of your animals – you need less food for their growth, and all nutrients are used to increase meat mass and reduce the amount of fat.
These devices, thanks to increasing the infrared spectrum, provide more space for moving animals – at a uniform temperature under the panel.
Provide higher radiation capacity (density) – homogeneity of infrared rays necessary for the physical needs of animals.
- It is currently the world’s most modern, efficient and convenient system for your animals.
- The system ensures an even and wide distribution of heat.
- It provides – distributes a gentle and well absorbed heat that secures a perfect thermal balance and provides enough energy to adapt to metabolism – metabolism and heat loss in animals.
- Health: this radiation reduces mortality, increases resistance to diseases and reduces stress
greatly improves the quality of the species and further production; environmental conditions become safer, healthier and cleaner. - This effect greatly affects the metabolism – you need less food for their growth, and all nutrients are used to increase the mass of meat and reduce the amount of fat.
- The surface of our radiator with macro development is 4.8 times larger than other products produced in the world without our assembly.
University of Warmia and Mazury
Department of Poultry Breeding
Fermy Drobiu Borkowski Sp. z o.o.
Agrofirma Witkowo Ferma Poultry
Breeders of Dogs
Heating of domestic terrariums
Heating zoo in Wroclaw – terrariums
– Realizations ROTAL agro ecosun
Agro ecosun
Your ADVANTAGE in breeding
AGRO-ECOSUN has no moving parts, is robust and requires no maintenance (operation) is safe (does not cause sparks) and does not increase or interfere with the ventilation program.
Heating panels only in the controlled zone (as the so-called “hen”) as well as in the central heating system of the entire facility – provide energy savings: this system directly heats your animals. They are easy to assemble. Temperature regulation takes place directly in or above the bedding (eg for poultry).
This radiation reduces mortality, increases resistance to diseases and reduces stress. Significantly improves the quality (family – species) and further production; environmental conditions become safer, healthier and cleaner.
It works great for the metabolism of your animals – you need less food for their growth, and all nutrients are used to increase meat mass and reduce the amount of fat. See our folder from the Agrofirma – Witkowo from 1993.
The advantages of a heating system using Ecosun radiators:
- it is robust, requires no maintenance, it is safe to use – it does not cause sparks and does not increase or interfere with the ventilation program.
- different heating methods: eg ECOSUN heating panels can be used only in the controlled
- designated zone as so-called “sitter” or in the central heating system of the entire facility as suspended high temperature heaters
- they provide energy savings and the system heats your animals directly
- they are easy to assemble
- there are no moving parts
I heat my terrarium with a snake using the Ecosun 130W radiator. The radiator is controlled by a temperature regulator, thanks to which it heats the terrarium to the appropriate temperature – it is very important because it never gets cold or overheated.