Usługa montażu na terenie całej Polski! Zadzwoń 91 422 08 95 office@rotal.pl


tents, restaurants


comfortable HEATING pleasant warmth

High temperature heaters ECOSUN with power 1200, 2400, 3600 W.

Radiators are great for heating restaurant tents, winter gardens. They are also suitable for ensuring thermal comfort in the zone (diameter = height) for both indoor and outdoor areas, e.g. on ramps loading and stands.


After starting, they cause an immediate increase in temperature, which means that it is not necessary to heat the room earlier because it will be in the radiation zone. Tents and restaurant gardens can be heated with high temperature radiators in two ways: whole room or zonally.


heated umbrellas accessories - HEATING A LARGE CUBATURE


Since 1991 ROTAL is a producer and supplier of an energy-saving direct electric central heating type Ecosun. On it’s basis we design heating systems in houses and estates using other complimentary devices based on energy from RES – creating complex energy-efficient homes and facilities.



Professionalism gained over 35 years of work allows us to produce extremely safe, maintenance-free and practically service-free equipment, offering a 10-year warranty.


Many years of experience, proven specialists and consultancy in the field of effective and affortable heating are the values ​​that have characterized our activity since the very beginning of its existence in the industry.



High temperature 

The ECOSUN high temperature radiators are produced with powers of 1200, 2400, 3600 W. They are used for heating large-size buildings such as industrial, sports arena’s, storage halls, etc. The radiator of this type is also suitable for ensuring thermal comfort in the zone (diameter = height) outdoors and indoors, e.g. on loading ramps and stands.

After starting, they cause an immediate increase in temperature, which means that it is not necessary to heat the room earlier because you are in the radiation zone.

Production halls and warehouses can be heated by high-temperature radiators in two ways: whole room or zone.


POWER: 1200, 2400, 3600 Watt

DIMENSIONS: depending on the power of the radiator

TEMP. AREA: 280 ºC

IP: IP44


MANUFACTURER: Rotal Zakład Ogrzewaania Alternatywnego

All products have the CE mark.

Installation in accordance with the attached instructions.

concerts, events

comfortable HEATING pleasant warmth

koncert Asaf Avidan promienniki Rotal - HEATING A LARGE CUBATURE
Konecrt Asafa Avidana w Szczecinie ogrzewany promiennikami Ecosun Rotal - HEATING A LARGE CUBATURE

High temperature radiators are well suited for heating large volumes, but among our projects, our company also has the heating of artists on stage.

The Pomeranian Castle was visited by Asaf Avidan heated with Ecosun 3600 radiant heaters. 

Concert Asaf Avidan Zamek Książąt Pomorskich in Szczecin



                            comfortable HEATING pleasant warmth

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Report of the team of scientists

Report of the team of scientists dr. inż. Petera Kosacka z Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern Udowodnił wyższość ogrzewania radiacyjnego elektrycznego c.o. nad wodnym, gazowym czy olejowym.  Report of the team of scientists dr. Eng. Peter Kosack from Technische...

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The biggest sell of Energetic Mankind

Największy bubel Energetyczny ludżkości który doprowadził do światowego kryzysu Udowodnił wyższość ogrzewania radiacyjnego elektrycznego c.o. nad wodnym, gazowym czy olejowym. Powyższe uwagi pozwoliłem sobie napisać po prawie 45 latach pracy, jako energetyk praktyk –...

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Home in Stara Owczarnia

The Project  a SUCCESS story Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,...

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A house in Kobylance

The Project  a SUCCESS story Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,...

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korytarz ogrzewany promiennikami 400x250 - HEATING A LARGE CUBATURE

Our solutions

The Project  a SUCCESS story Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,...

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Halls, warehouses

 Projectworkshops, halls, large area warehouses ECOSUN high temperature heatersHigh temperature heaters ECOSUN with 1200W, 2400W, 3600W. Radiators are great for heating restaurant tents, winter gardens. It is also suitable for ensuring thermal comfort in the zone...

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GREENHOUSE, TUNNELS AND Palm Houses radiation is the best VEGETATIONDeveloped and confirmed by the Swedish Institute of Agricultural Economy. Radiant heating in greenhouses was introduced in Sweden only when it received a positive rating in Canada and the USA. Radiant...

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ways ofheating the churchesChurches are quite specific objects. Objects of this type have never been adapted to any type of heating, the more convective. They are characterized by a fairly significant height-to-surface ratio, whereby the convectionally heated air...

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Standard radiators

Since 1991 ROTAL is a producer and supplier of an energy-saving direct electric central heating type Ecosun. On it’s basis we design heating systems in houses and estates using other complimentary devices based on energy from RES - creating complex energy-efficient...

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production of energy-efficient electric radiators


The ROTAL company has been operating on the market since 1983. Since then we have been producing and assembling  energy equipment and implementing new technologies in your buildings. Many years of experience, proven specialists and consultancy in the field of effective and cost-effective heating are the values ​​that have characterized our activity since the very beginning of its existence in the industry. Get to know our products and warm up your home in a more convenient and more comfortable way.

ROTAL is a manufacturer and supplier designing systemically. EcoDOM ™ energy-saving, designed for ecology, equipped with intelligent and economical heating devices is a great example of this. If you do not want to worry about energy costs for your home or business, read our offer and consult a specialist to help you identify and meet  your heating needs.



get to know customer’s reviews of our products and join the many satisfied customers of Rotal’s products and services

After a few years of using your company’s radiators, I can say that it was a very good purchase. They take up little space, they are thin, effective and trouble-free. The heating “picture” hanging on the fireplace additionally surprises my guests, I highly recommend this product.

Regards Zbigniew Serocki

Having radiators at home is like having your own mini sun, available on demand at any time of the day or night. I highly recommend radiators from Rotal. I heat the single-family house with Ecosun radiators.

Be Happy Mariusz Zawadzki

I would put my money into a source of power – the sun, the solar energy. I hope we do not have to wait for diesel or coal to run out before we get to it

Thomas Edison