and planning equipment our specialists do it for free
Selection of devices
When designing a new building or performing Energy modernization of the old building, since 2009 the European Union has recommended the use of any heat source that is to supplement all heat losses through baffles and ventilation using 35 W / m² emission from any source of heat. It must provide at -20 ° C outside the comfort of the heat in the room of + 20 ° C. All this will certainly depend the most on the thermal condition of the building envelope.
Since while using direct electric radiant heating it is not necessary to use electricity from the 50Hz Hz network, as it has been since the invention of electricity (around 1855) and that it is used in other current heating systems – electric radiators can already work with all renewable energy, i.e. sun, water, wind.
In connection with the above, properly constructing the object and providing thermal and thermal insulation of external walls from the inside and equipping the facility with accumulators – ground and wall exchangers for this energy from RES electricity we can provide year-round thermal comfort including ventilation and hot sanitary water. Such a house (not to be confused with passive or giving electricity to its domestic distributors) creates a situation that until now commonly used sources and devices c.o. become an alternative and the prophetic wish of Albert Einstein is fulfilled – “… the future of heating will be radiation” and the second “invention of some ingenious heating system is more important for humanity than the discovery of a new planet”.
We invite you to contact our specialists who will advise you well and help you choose the best way to heat your home and facilities with a large area.
If you want to apply the above solutions in your home, please send us: horizontal cross-sections through each floor (they can be hand-written).
if it is an object with a large cubature, we ask for at least one vertical section In order to design the best selection of ECOSUN heating system devices, we will also need information such as: type of home and flat space of each room the height of the rooms number of windows, are they new?
Was the thermal modernization of the walls made? desired temperature inside.
Please provide the location of the facility and contact phones.
According to the information sent, we will prepare the right choice of equipment for the room and a cost.
Step 1
Send us a brief description of the building, projections of the rooms and the area to be heated – these are the necessary information for us
step 2
Our engineers will develop a heating project, select devices, then we will make a valuation of devices and send you a heating offer
step 3
Now just select the type of radiator for your home: standard, heating image, glass, glass with photo or mirror.
you gain with the right selection
After more than 30 years, we know the operating costs and opinions about our system in municipal (post-German) construction, single-family houses, but also throughout the country where our radiators ECOSUN were installed.
New construction
In new single-family buildings equipped by us, where our electric heating, as the basic one still has the support of heat from other sources such as: fireplace, heat pump recuperation, sun, then these costs for only electric heating are even smaller. In such buildings, the total cost for central radiant heating, hot water, fireplace wood, lighting, household appliances oscillate between 10 and 15 PLN / m2 per year
Old building
These are most often antique buildings without external insulation of walls, ceilings and roof – only replaced windows, it is for eg in a flat on the top floor, 60 m2 for three people: lighting, household appliances and our heating costs on average 250 PLN / month in winter. Cooking and hot water are on gas. Summer fees per month for electricity at the level of 100 PLN. That is 150 PLN for the winter months. PLN 150/60 sq m = PLN 2.7 / sq m per month. Paying for 1 kWh gross 0.40 PLN * 2.7 / 0.40 = 6.75 kWh / m2 per month. This is the cost of direct heating from the radiator in a given room. In the case of another heating, e.g. gas, the efficiency is lower by about 30%, because, for example, this gas with a given calorific value is burned far in the boiler and the heat must be transported through pipes to convection radiators and only warm the air from them, which immediately rises to the ceiling. In the meantime, heat in the form of radiation also directly heats buildings, furniture and people in the room. Warm air is re-heated from heated partitions.
“As you can see, it is the cheapest modern heating system, in spite of harmful propaganda, which is done by domestic and foreign (pseudo-industry) publishers with expensive electric heating. It is true (although not always) that traditional electric heating, for example, cable, accumulative, convector, blowing and other indirectly heating air, is an expensive system, but we are talking about modern radiators.”
it matters – heat loss
Na pewno zastanawiacie się Państwo jak wyliczyć i dobrać moc promienników i zarazem koszt całej instalacji. C.O
Wyliczenie jest takie same jak w przy każdym innym centralnym ogrzewaniu jakiegokolwiek obiektu. Kiedy kupują Państwo dokumentację architektoniczną budynku to obowiązkiem architekta jest teoretycznie udowodnić, że będzie to obiekt ciepły ,,z dobrych materiałów nośnych i izolacyjno-termicznych”. Powinien on to wyliczyć ręcznie lub za pomocą programu komputerowego i podać ile energii z jakiegokolwiek źródła trzeba dostarczyć przy np. (-20st.C) na zewnątrz i np.(+18st.C) wewnątrz dla całego budynku lub poszczególnych pomieszczeń. Za to Państwo płacicie kupując wcale nie tanią dokumentację – chyba że kupujecie (wizję architektoniczną). Architekt dobiera wam z dużą rezerwą jedno z ogrzewań tradycyjnych z obłożeniem mocy około 100 W/m2 . Mając te średnie W/m2 mnożycie Państwo przez powierzchnie grzewczą (m2) wychodzi ilość energii (kW) dla domu które trzeba dostarczyć np. zimą dla C.O z tego źródła ciepła (kotła, pompy ciepła ,węzła, elektryczności itd. ). O ciepłej wodzie doradzamy – zadzwoń do nas lub napisz.
You are certainly wondering how to calculate and choose the power of radiators and at the same time the cost of the entire installation of central heating.
The calculation is the same as in any other central heating of any object. When you buy architectural documentation of the building, it is the architect’s duty to theoretically prove that it will be a warm object, made of good supporting and insulating-thermal materials. The architect should calculate it manually or using a computer program and specify how much energy from any source you need to deliver at for eg (-20 ° C) outside and for eg (+ 18 ° C) inside for the entire building or individual rooms. You pay for it by buying documentation that is not inexpensive – unless you buy (architectural vision). The architect selects for you with a large reserve one of the traditional heating with a power load of about 100 W / m2.
Having these average W / m2, you need to multipy it by the heating surface (m2) in order to obtain the amount of energy (kW) that needs to be delivered for the house eg in winter for central heating from this heat source (boiler, heat pump, node, electricity, etc.). We advise on hot water – call us or write.
get to know customer’s reviews of our products and join the many satisfied customers of Rotal’s products and services
After a few years of using your company’s radiators, I can say that it was a very good purchase. They take up little space, they are thin, effective and trouble-free. The heating “picture” hanging on the fireplace additionally surprises my guests, I highly recommend this product.
Having radiators at home is like having your own mini sun, available on demand at any time of the day or night. I highly recommend radiators from Rotal. I heat the single-family house with Ecosun radiators.
Ask for an offer
We invite you to contact our specialists who can advise you well and help you choose the best way to heat your home and facilities with a large area.